How I’m training for 3,300 miles on a bicycle

As the start date nears, I’ve been focusing on getting my body conditioned for the daily rigors 100 miles on a bicycle.  Many have asked, “How are you training for this trip?”.

Basically, it’s not what you think. I haven’t been on a bicycle daily logging miles and miles to prepare and there’s a couple of reasons for this.  One, I don’t have my road bike yet, just my mountain bike.  And two, I really don’t want to burn myself out on a bicycle with training, I’ve got 3,300 miles worth of time to do that.

What I have been doing is working out twice a day, daily.  One workout will consist of 20-30 minutes of cardio at 80% maximum heart-rate, at the least.  The other workout consists of weight training.  I’ve chosen this route, so to get me accustomed to ‘daily’ physical activity.  Which so far, has proven to be a challenge.  If this bike trip wasn’t in the plans, at most I’d workout 4x per week. Those extra 3 days make a huge difference.

And as far as diet is concerned I’ve completely cut down on the sugars and carbs and have been eating as clean as possible with the consumption of a gallon of water daily.  That definitely results in toilet visits twice per hour, but it helps to properly hydrate you, and muscle cells grow faster when they’re properly hydrated.  Besides, there’s no healthier feeling than when you piss excellence.


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